GFP 001: Kennis Russell in Stewdio



Host Josh Stewart & Blake…err…uhh..Kennis Russell are is Stewdio for this episode of GFP. Check out Kennis’s church in Cypress, TX here and see some of his musical expertese here. Thanks for listening to GFP. (photo taken by Producer Perry)

God’s Favorite Pocast 035: Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

In what will be our final episode for a while, hosts Dr Ed Hogan and Josh Stewart, along with Producer Perry, discuss the post Easter calendar and who they would want to have diner with. Thank you to all who have listened to God’s Favorite Podcast.

God’s Favorite Podcast 034: Hossenfeffer! and Phillip J’s question answered

Bugs Bunny & Yosemite Sam – Shishkabugs by Chezmymy

Episode 34 of God’s Favorite Podcast is cholk full of information on home brewing, religios relics and Looney Tunes. Dr Ed gives an update on The Path to the Cross Church and their plans for Easter Sunday. In God in the News the guys discuss a Holy Grail claim in Spain. Also discussed is God’s love for the SEC vs Notre Dame and Phillip J’s question about a Gawker article on the Westboro Baptist Church and Calvinism

God’s Favorite Podcast 033: Josh meets the Dream Weaver

Cousin Ed

Cousin Ed

Cousin Louis
Cousin Louis



In episode 33 of GFP hosts Dr Ed Hogan and Josh Stewart discuss the definition of Blasphemy and Louie C.K.’s approach to comedy. Ed gives an update on The Path to the Cross Church and Josh’s reaccuring dream is analyzed in a new segment of Dream Weaver. Thanks for listening to God’s Favorite Podcast

God in The News

Christian man gets death sentence in Pakistan for blasphemy

Louis CK has questions about God on SNL



God’s Favorite Podcast 032: We Rock Bill Maher’s Boat

GFP 032 pic

Comrade Grimace is the new President of Honduras

In episode 32 of God’s Favorite Podcast we welcome the first day of Spring with music, conversation, debate and dance. Ed gives an update of The Path to the Cross Church and announces the launch of their new website. The guys give their picks for the NCAA tournament and in God In The News they discuss Bill Maher‘s take on the Noah movie as well as his judgement of God’s judgement. We introduce a new segment. In Voice the Verse we listen to John Lennon’s “Imagine”, performed by Chris Cornell, and break down the lyrics from a Biblical world view perspective. This is followed by a discussion on our favorite Beatles songs and a goodbye until next time.





God’s Favorite Podcast 030: Laissez les bons temps rouler

Happy Mardi Gras Baby!

Happy Mardi Gras Baby!

That this episode is being posted on Fat Tuesday is quite appropriate. In GFP 031 The guys talk about the meaning of Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and the approaches used by Catholics and Protestants. Ed gives an update on The Path to the Cross Church as well as their approach to communion. As always there is a whole bunch of food talk as well as the guys discussing their favorite New Orleans cuisine and Producer Perry reveals is allergy to sea food. In God in the News stories are discussed about Polar Bear Hunts, Arizona’s governor vetoing a bill on religious rights being used to discriminate and a Texas Federal judge ruling the Texas ban on same sex marriages being unconstitutional, as well a group of black pastors calling for the impeachment of the US Attorney General Eric Holder. Let us know what you think of our discussion and thanks for listening to God’s Favorite Podcast.

God in the News Stories

Man’s Bible Blocks Bullet

Arizona Governor vetos religious rights bill

Texas Federal judge rules ban on same sex marriage unconstitutional

Black Pastors Group calls for Impeachment of Eric Holder


Mardi Gras Party Supplies

God’s Favorite Podcast 028: Open that Vino, there’s Veritas in there.

mmmm, taste that truth

mmmm, taste that truth

Episode 28 of God’s Favorite Podcast is chalked full of veritas. Dr Ed Hogan and Josh Stewart discuss the meaning of in vino veritas, Ed gives a movie review and Josh tells the story of the patron saint of brewers. In God in the News we hear about a coach dunking his players, the North Star getting brighter and how Facebook is checked more daily than the bible. Of course there is a boudin reference, an update on The Path to the Cross Church and much, much more

God in the News Stories

NC Football coach ordered to stop baptizing players

Scientist baffled by brightening of Polaris

Facebook viewed by more people daily than the Bible

Ed’s Blog post about August-Osage County


Other Mentions

Cork Cafe in Cypress

The story of Saint Arnold

goddess in the news

goddess in the news

What she lacks in speed, she makes up for in weather skills
What she lacks in speed, she makes up for in weather skills

shhhh, he's in his back swing
shhhh, he’s in his back swing